Meyer Tech Desk Schedule

updated 2016-11-25 15:00:03
Sun 27
1:00pDabiyyah A.
2:00pEmmanuel O.
2:30pDabiyyah A.
3:30pEmmanuel O.
4:00pDabiyyah A.
Jeanette R.
5:00pRebecca L.
6:30pRebecca L.
7:00pEmmanuel O.
8:00pRebecca L.
8:30pDabiyyah A.
10:00pEmmanuel O.
10:30pTrevor M.

Basic services include equipment checkout, poster printing, and cluster computer troubleshooting.

Multimedia help includes video editing, image scanning, and DVD burning.

Personal Computer help includes laptop troubleshooting and network connectivity.

For more information, please see